Need a manual?


Then you’ve come to the right place, because we have been producing operating instructions for a wide range of products for over 23 years.

Our customers receive instructions for the European, US (according to UL standards) and Japanese markets.

The manuals are created in accordance with DIN EN 82079 and the current product standards. Easy-to-read texts, a clear structure and extensive in-house testing guarantee you and your customers understandable operating instructions.

Many of our manuals are evaluated by test laboratories such as TÜV, LGA or UL agencies at the customer’s request and regularly receive good ratings.

Our customers include international corporations as well as small and medium-sized companies. We would be delighted if you could soon be one of them.

Our goals with every instruction are

  • to keep calls to hotlines to a minimum,
  • avoid expensive returns during the warranty period
  • and in any case to prevent the return of the product.